To inherit the title of Davidoff Royal Release, the journey from seed to cigar takes 10 years. The seeds themselves were developed, germinated and planted especially for this purpose. Davidoff’s Head Master Blender ensured daily that color, texture and aroma standards demanded of a Royal Release are met. Special Aromatica Dominicana wrapper is a Royal Release line exclusive, not available on any other Davidoff cigar. Everything about a Davidoff Royal Release is hand-picked, including the hands that roll the cigars. Crafted by 8 of their finest rollers, each with at least 15 years of experience, who rolled jointly over 7 million cigars.
A moment spent savouring the new Royal Release cigar from Davidoff is not as others. You realize in one beautiful instant that this is the product of a very privileged upbringing. From seed to cigar, every ingredient has been singled out for special treatment. The perfect blend. Chosen by a process of painstaking refinement and selection which leaves no room for the merely “very good”. For to be Royal is to be one of a kind. A complexity and balance which sets the Royal Release apart. A stimulation of the senses which rises high above the ordinary. A most uncommon experience.