Old Oaks Reserve cigars are one of the best kept secrets in the premium cigar industry. Since their introduction, these fantastic blends have been the best selling cigars in our retail stores. While these un-banded delights may appear unassuming, they deliver a dynamic smoking experience thanks to an incredible pedigree. Each Old Oaks Reserve cigar is handmade in Nicaragua by AJ Fernandez. He is one of Nicaragua’s most prolific and respected cigar makers. Passion, discipline, and great tobacco is his mantra, and each cigar is created to his exacting standards. He truly has the magic touch and each blend he creates is distinct, high quality, and extremely flavorful.
Old Oaks Reserve Maduro uses a blend of three unique Nicaraguan filler tobaccos, a Nicaraguan binder, and a Nicaraguan Maduro wrapper. Tasting notes include earth, chocolate, and pepper with hints of salted nuts and dried fruits. The Maduro is medium-to-full in strength and full of rich and wonderful flavor! It is the kind of cigar you find yourself coming back for over and over again.