Blended in the style of the flavorful yet Medium Bodied Cuban Cigars. Cigars are rolled in Nicaragua using select Nicaraguan tobaccos and classic cuban blending with a beautiful Cuban triple-cap. Made in Nicaragua by Jaime Garcia at My Father Cigar factory, Cabaiguan is named after a city in the Northern Sancti Spírites province that is home to some of the most knowledgeable cigar men in Cuba.
MSRP: $55.00 - $220.00
$49.75 – $197.95
You save up to 10%
MSRP: $55.00 - $220.00
$49.75 – $197.95
You save up to 10%
MSRP: $55.00 - $264.00
$49.95 – $236.95
You save up to 10%
MSRP: $60.00 - $288.00
$53.95 – $258.95
You save 10%