Tatuaje Havana VI cigars are produced under the direction of renowned master blender, Jose Pepin Garcia, in a selection of traditional shapes. Patiently made by hand in Señor Garcia’s Nicaraguan factory, the cigars are blended to impart the flavor and aroma of fine, medium-bodied Cuban cigars. Each Tatuaje Havana VI cigar comprises the most select Nicaraguan long-filler and binder tobaccos seamlessly rolled in an attractive Nicaraguan wrapper that’s finished with a traditional, Cuban-style triple-cap.
MSRP: $45.00 - $216.00
$40.75 – $193.95
You save up to 10%
MSRP: $45.00 - $216.00
$40.75 – $193.95
You save up to 10%
MSRP: $40.00 - $192.00
$36.25 – $171.95
You save up to 10%