Shipping & Returns
Currently, we do not ship internationally. Additionally, we do not ship to the States of Utah, Hawaii at this time.
When an order is placed, we will estimate the total shipping time necessary to get the items to you and provide you with an estimated delivery date. This estimate will be based on when you placed the order, the distance of travel, weekends, holidays, and other similar factors. Please remember that these are estimates and not guaranteed dates unless provided directly from the carrier.
Most orders placed before 11:59 AM in the California time zone (Pacific Time Zone) will be shipped out the same day excluding holidays and weekends. If an order is placed after 11:59 AM Pacific Time Zone, the package(s) will be sent out the next possible business day.
If the order is placed on a holiday or weekend, your package will go out the next possible shipping date.
All of our shipping methods have a flat rate of $8.95 and we offer free US shipping on orders of $100 or more. Regrettably, due to the high cost of shipping cost to Alaska and Hawaii, the free shipping offer excludes Alaska and Hawaii. A tracking number will be provided to you if available from the carrier. The packages will require a signature of someone of the age of 21 years or older when cigars or other tobacco products are being delivered.
All our packages include a humidification pack in order to preserve the freshness of the products sold.
Shipping Carriers uses two primary shipping carriers and/or other delivery service providers. The primary shipping service carriers include USPS (United States Postal Service), and UPS (United Parcel Service). We will process your package with the carrier that can deliver it in the fastest and most efficient way possible.
Taxes / Terms
Taxes do vary from state to state. Any taxes that are incurred outside of the state of California are the sole responsibility of the buyer. Please check with your accountant or tax advisor for specification on what is necessary to report on your own tax returns. is required by law to collect tobacco tax on shipment made to:
If the purchase order is shipped or made within the state of California, your payment method is based in California, or your shipping method is based in California, your purchase order will be taxed in accordance with the local, regional or other applicable California tax codes.
Furthermore, shipments subject to California tobacco taxes will be charged an additional California tobacco tax, which is s computed on the basis of the wholesale cost of the tobacco products purchased by us, and the exact amount of the applicable tobacco tax added to the cost of the purchase order is difficult to determine. Therefore, a best effort estimate will be made to determine the cost of the applicable California tobacco tax added to the purchase order. Moreover, the sales tax amount added to the purchase order amount subject to the California sales tax, is calculated on the basis of the gross amount, which consists of the retail price plus the estimated applicable California tobacco tax amount, the shipping cost if any and/or any additional amount added to the gross. Also, please be apprised that the applicable sales tax applies to the gross cost as stated earlier and before any discounts are applied. In other words, discount amounts are sales taxable and are thus not exempted from the applicable sales tax. In addition, discount amounts applied to purchase orders are subject to the California tobacco tax and are not exempt from the applicable California tobacco tax charges.
Return Policy guarantees your complete satisfaction on every product we sell and want you, the customer, to be happy with your purchase(s). Should you find that something is not to your satisfaction, we ask that you call or email us and we will make the proper arrangements to remedy the situation. We will gladly refund any merchandise in its original packaging within 14 calendar days of receipt of your order.
Damaged or wrong orders
In the event that the order is received damaged or contains the wrong items, please document, by taking a photo before opening the package showing the damage and shipping label. Afterwards, proceed to take pictures of the items contained in the shipment and submit the photos, order number and a brief explanation to our email address at:
Subsequently, we will rectify the problem as soon as possible by either exchanging the items or issue you a refund plus $8.95 shipping fee upon receiving the package back.
Contact us by phone at: 805-906-2078
Contact us by email at:
Or, Click here to contact us through the website